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Every time a new baby is born, all those around it get excited and are ready to watch this little creature grow up. The baby steps... who can forget about the firsts Ban may hardly even remember Firsts,Parent s particularly like to document these events in a child's development. One more fun way to implement this is by using a milestone blanket!

A milestone blanket is a comfortable and charming baby must-haves that feature various numbers, words or patterns on it. These types of designs do a really good job showing parents how their baby has changed month by month. Parents can then lay their baby on the milestone blanket to take a picture each month. It is a moment that they can treasure; seeing how much their little one has changed and grown over each of the last 12 months. Here is the first compared to now…a teeny tiny baby!

    Celebrating baby's growth with a milestone blanke

    A milestone blanket is more than just a picture- this type of photo prop can be fun way to celebrate the baby and their milestones. And parents, with joyous pride, share them on their social media feeds with every breathing human they know. They will add a fun and upbeat passage about each photograph, for example, "Hey look i am 6 Months old today! The list goes on, simply google "the best ways to tape your cleavage... or Wow check me out I am growing! This brings a merry tone to all moments that are divided which makes it even more of a celebration of the infant, with others invited.

    To be perfectly honest, those special moments are easily forgotten because kids grow so fast and as one reaches certain milestones you may forget those little quirks that made them just who they were. Simply use a milestone blanket to mark all of those special dates! Think of parents trying to remember when their baby smiled for the first time or sat up all on her own. Every milestone gets to be a still frame that can last... forever.

    Why choose IVY milestone blanket?

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